Google is either not leveraging its talented engineers to their fullest potential or that these key talents have departed, seeking opportunities to innovate elsewhere. Gemini thus inadvertently shines a spotlight on Google’s engineering challenges.
Over two decades ago, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act was created to enable the internet to “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse, unique opportunities for cultural development, and myriad avenues for intellectual activity.” Since then, technology has advanced, new powerful companies have emerged and many have already seen unintended
Apple is losing the innovation race. The most admired company in the world was built by visionary Steve Jobs who had the power of imagination. He could deliver products that very few could even imagine. His successor Tim Cook has been successful in making the iPhone screen size bigger since Jobs passed away in 2011.
Facebook is in talks with large banks to get bank customers data including the transaction history and bank balance. If you think you know yourself better than the credit card companies know you, you are mistaken. Collecting and storing an individual’s banking records on the servers of social networks like Facebook is unthinkable. You must
Indian hotel owners are not much used to technology, honoring third-party agreements, or offering great customer service. If you walk into a hotel and negotiate a rate, you would most likely find a better deal than what a discounted travel website could offer. Business is still done in-person in India and it doesn’t seem to