In 2016, several Americans held a sign in their hand that read
Top choices for President: 1. God 2. Jesus 3. Donald Trump
Well, since people could not elect options 1 or 2, they elected option 3.
It has been over a year since Donald Trump was elected President and establishment Democrats and Republicans are still searching for the Russians who made their favorite candidate and party lose.
Never before in the history people associated or equated a political candidate with God; 2016 was the first time when the forgotten Americans invoked faith or God – perhaps an indicator of how frustrating the life has been for them. They started praying and their prayer was answered. Donald Trump was elected President to many people’s surprise.
Read Anti Trump group Politico’s coverage
Meet the people who influenced the election
Thanking Jesus for sending Donald Trump
The forgotten Americans thank Jesus for sending President Donald Trump to help them