Khizr Khan stole the show at the Democratic National Convention by vehemently attacking Donald Trump. His speech offered no value though.
Donald Trump has never said to deport US Citizens or US Citizen Muslims
Donald Trump had advocated to prevent certain foreign Muslims from entering in the United States. He has said that he would remove the millions of illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants could be from any race, national origin, gender or religion. Rather than a debate on Illegal Immigration, Mr. Khan has been used as a tool to paint it as a debate on religion.
It is unclear what Mr. Khan’s point was
The Constitution does not provide rights to foreigners entering in US
Mr. Khan seems to have little knowledge about the US Constitution that he boldly displayed at the convention. It raises the question of whether he has ever read the Constitution before that speech let alone the understanding of it. The US Constitution and its amendments afford the rights to US Citizens. Based on that right, his son was recruited in the armed forces.
The US Constitution does not apply to foreigners in foreign nations. Even if Mr. Trump bans all foreign Muslims from entering in United States, those foreign Muslims do not have the right to challenge that decision.
Because of the free speech that the constitution provides, Mr. Khan was able to attack and say whatever he wanted against Mr. Trump.
Mr. Khan’s family is not the only Goldstar family. Mr. Khan is not the only Goldstar father. Khans are not the only Muslims. Khan’s family is not the only immigrant family. Rather than focusing the policy around him, Trump has a responsibility to focus on the entire US interests. Rather than getting used by a political party to advance their agenda, Mr. Khan should think of broad US interests, the US economy, jobs, society, and its future. After all, to enjoy the rights, freedom and opportunities he immigrated from Pakistan to the United States.